Database Management System

Our client asked us to develop a data gateway tool to filter corrupted or duplicate data from the client’s system. Our solution improved data quality and consumption for both members and prospects.

Full Stack: Java, McKesson

9 Months


Our client recognized poor Provider Data Quality as the root of their problems. They had significant challenges processing claims, and their provider directories were full of inaccurate information.

The client bought a new Provider Information Management System (PIMS) from McKesson - but faced implementation challenges. As opposed to having a data management system, our client opted to buy another solution from a third vendor to address PIMS problems. That solution didn’t work.

In other words, Vicert needed to develop a fully functional system to provide our client with healthy data sets and filter corrupted and duplicate data.

Case Study, Database Management System, Diagram


Vicert developed a mass update tool to consume and update data from multiple sources and then process it in a predetermined format.

Against a tight timeframe, we fully integrated a database management system with an on premise data gateway. Our tool enabled:

  • Ingesting external data from 9 different sources.

  • Applying configurable business rules.

  • Comparing the data against the live PIMS data allowing either automatic or manual updates of that data in the PIMS system.

We made updates to PIMS in the following way:

  1. For the automatic updates, the PDQ tool we developed first inserts data into the PIMS stating tables and then uses PIMS’ PDX Update feature to trigger data processing.

  2. Our data management system also had a new web service to perform real-time updates to PIMS data when data is entered manually.

  3. Vicert developed the entire system to allow the client better data collection, merged it with the client’s existing infrastructure, and added a layer for content browsing. Additionally, our tool had reporting capabilities, informing the client on data trends and timelines.


  • Improved member and prospect experience.

  • Enhanced workflow automation.

  • Our database management system also complied with the California Department of Managed Health Care’s expectation for more timely data validation.

  • We also saved roughly 10 000 working hours for the client’s staff with the updated processes.


We build digital health solutions.


AWS Migration and Transformation of a Diagnostic Product


Performance Management of Health Professionals