Drug Database for FDB

Vicert successfully integrated a third-party drug database into the client’s consumer portal.

Java, Oracle

4 months


Our client decided to improve on the existing pharmacy section of their online portal. Vicert needed to implement a solution that would make it easy to conduct a database search and how different drugs interact with each other.

The client wanted a custom-built web solution where Vicert would replace their existing formulary data with the First Data Bank database (FDB database). We needed to match the client’s old software and its information with the new features we added - creating links between the database and available insurance plans to show accurate coverage information to the members.

Case Study, Pharmacy and Drug Formulary FDB


Vicert designed and developed the solution with a clearly defined architecture and additional functionalities, which included:

  • Consumer and member views of formulary and copay info

  • Shell scripts for automating the FDB database import/update process

  • Administrative portal for database administration


  • The client gained an effective database solution that is highly customizable to fit their specific needs.

  • All portal members could find specific drug information and copay values.

  • Our drug database had administrative functionality built in a way that clinical pharmacists could easily maintain the formulary data.


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