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FHIR: Transforming Healthcare with Interoperability

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare technology, Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) is at the forefront, catalyzing significant advancements in data exchange, patient care, and system interoperability. To explore the multifaceted impact of FHIR, we convened a panel of esteemed experts: Voja Lalich, CEO of Vicert, Neb Lazic, CTO of Vicert, and Maja Bogdanovic, a certified FHIR expert. Their collective insights paint a comprehensive picture of FHIR's strategic importance, its technical challenges, and the innovation it drives in healthcare.

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Embracing Innovation and Collaboration: Reflections from the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference

San Francisco recently hosted a significant event during the J.P. Morgan Healthcare Conference, where pivotal discussions unfolded. This gathering, co-hosted by Silicon Valley Bank & Fox Rothschild, became a hub for thought leaders and innovators in the healthcare sector. Among the distinguished attendees were Matthew Holt, Susan Solinsky, and Vicert CEO Voja Lalich.

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FHIR Data Exchange Interview with our FHIR Expert Maja Bogdanovic

In a recent discussion, Iva Danilovic, Head of Business Development Department, sat down with Maja Bogdanovic, an expert in FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources). They talked about the practical aspects of FHIR, its role in healthcare, and its future potential. Maja, with her deep understanding of the subject, provides insights into how FHIR is changing the way healthcare data is shared and managed. This conversation offers a straightforward look at the real-world impact of FHIR in the healthcare sector.

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Vicert - Novo Nordisk at HITLAB Innovators Summit

In this video, we explore the dynamic world of healthcare IT with Voja Lalich, CEO of Vicert, who has over two decades of experience, and Amy West, Head of US Digital Transformation and Innovation at Novo Nordisk. They discuss the heightened focus this year on extracting insights from healthcare data, a challenge that's increasingly central to Health IT strategies. We'll also delve into the FHIR-related challenges and patterns observed in this competitive landscape, highlighting how companies are prioritizing high ROI data projects.

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What is Mobile Health, and How Does It Fit into Digital Health?

Digital health or telehealth is an umbrella term covering all aspects of technology used to improve healthcare delivery. From software and applications to medical devices, there are numerous ways in which technology can aid us. We commonly use it for remote patient monitoring and enhancements to home care. After all, there are many benefits to interconnectedness and seamless communication between patients and clinicians. That is why mHealth became an integral part of telemedicine and healthcare solutions.

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How Telehealth Improves Chronic Care Management

Telehealth or digital health found many applications in contemporary society. In the post-pandemic era, people became aware that telemedicine can be geared toward treating chronic conditions. Electronic health records, mHealth, and remote patient monitoring are merely some technologies that allow patients to receive their clinical care in the comfort of their own homes. Coupled with wearable medical devices that track patients’ vitals and immediately report any changes to the patient’s medical professional, they are a powerful tool for chronic disease management.

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7 Applications of Machine Learning in Healthcare

With the increased data in the healthcare industry, it is only natural that we came up with new and more efficient ways to handle it. From electronic health records and integration to interoperability between different systems, healthcare struggled not only with storing this data but also with proper analysis. That is when machine learning and artificial intelligence came into play.

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An Overview Of IoT In Healthcare

The Internet of Things (IoT) is already transforming many industries, and healthcare is no exception. The market for IoT in healthcare is estimated to exceed $10 billion by 2024. IoT is gradually gaining traction and evolving with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and 5G mobile wireless technologies. When combined with these innovative technologies, IoT has the potential to revolutionize the way care is delivered and received. Both patients and healthcare practitioners stand to gain from this advancement in technology.

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Healthcare Software: 10 Types You Should Know

Thanks to the advancement of technology, the healthcare industry has undergone a radical transformation in recent years. Innovative software is improving how healthcare operations are conducted currently and will continue to enhance the lives of patients and medical practitioners.

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How Does Cloud Computing In Healthcare Work?

Healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to cloud computing to improve agility, reduce costs, and scale while maintaining security and compliance. In healthcare, we use cloud computing for electronic health records (EHRs), patient portals, population health management, clinical decision support, and much more. The benefits of cloud computing in healthcare are numerous, but some of the most notable include improved patient care, reduced costs, increased efficiency, and improved access to care. We take a deeper look into how cloud computing works in healthcare.

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How Healthcare Software Helps Hospital Supply Chain Management

Within a hospital or any other large clinical setting, efficient management supply chain management is critical. This ensures that there are always enough medical supplies, medications, and equipment. After all, the healthcare system’s ability to provide high-quality care depends on such supplies' availability. When any inefficiencies occur in the system, the supply chain can come to a halt, and with that, the quality of patient care goes down.

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How Healthcare Software Development Change The Medical Industry

The healthcare industry has dramatically transformed in recent years thanks to software development in healthcare. Healthcare professionals now have access to many previously unavailable information and tools. As a result, they are better able to diagnose and treat patients and manage their own time and resources. Technology has also made it possible for healthcare professionals to connect with each other and patients worldwide. This has led to a more collaborative and efficient healthcare system that can better meet patients' needs.

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Six Solution Highlights In Chronic Disease Management Software

We now have better ways of managing chronic diseases than ever before, and it has become possible for patients to live full and fulfilling lives despite their conditions. With chronic care management software coupled with physician attention, patients can expect much better outcomes than they did many years ago.

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The Effectiveness Of Integrating A Patient Portal For Engagement

As we transition into a more digital globe, we realize that most of our day-to-day activities are in the digital realm. Schools, hospitals, organizations, and businesses use the Internet to access personal information and gain relevant insights. Developers create portals as they facilitate collaboration, accessibility, and better communication with one another. According to Pew Research Center, there has been at least a five percent increase in adult internet usage in the last several years, and it is no surprise to see why. If you are wondering about the effectiveness of integrating a patient portal for engagement, you have come to the right place. Studies have shown that portal users' benefits are lower disease-related stress, increased knowledge about their disease, and increased ratings of their current health. Here is a guide to understanding more about patient portals and patient engagement.

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Understanding Clinical Integration

Patients receive care across various settings within the healthcare sector. The data comes from numerous sources, from hospitals to clinics and in-home healthcare. Clinical integration seeks to consolidate these different data sources in one convenient place, to which all healthcare providers within the network will have access.

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The Trend Of Medical Chatbots In The Healthcare Industry

As one of the fastest-growing industries of the 21st century, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic, the healthcare industry is quickly evolving. Alongside changing patient demands, technology needs to catch up as well. One way this has been achieved is through the trend of chatbots in healthcare.

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What Are The Uses & Benefits Of A Mobile Healthcare App?

Exciting prospects exist for improving medical care with mobile health apps. Several apps, for instance, are made for remote patient monitoring to limit hospital admissions while maintaining doctor-patient connections. With the aid of other apps, users may keep track of and communicate their medical issues with doctors, pharmacists, and even health insurance providers. Additionally, given the vast volumes of healthcare data currently available, we need creative ways to gather and transform them into valuable information. A mobile device and healthcare apps are the best tools for doing this. Here is a guide to understanding the importance and benefits of mobile healthcare apps.

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How Does Robotic Process Automation Work In The Healthcare Industry

Do you have too many things to do and too little time to do them? This is a common concern faced by many healthcare practices across the country. When that’s the case, healthcare robotic process automation can help. Although the term can sound technology-focused, you will find that a successful automation system is focused on the people and operational processes surrounding this technology.

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