Behavioral Health Data Collection App

Vicert designed a highly-adaptable app for data tracking. It enabled live monitoring of patients’ behavior and spikes in behavioral patterns. Possible subsequent quick reactions resulted in improved patient adherence, and the solution offered integrated communication, improving the productivity of participants.

EHR API’s / EHR Integrations

Mobile: iOS, Android, ResearchKit, ResearchStack

4 Months


Our client and their partner wanted Vicert to develop an IT solution that would help them collect information from participants at work. The focus of the study was to assess and improve the participants’ productivity. We developed a data collection software that would help the client with their issue of locating the most beneficial method of data collection.

Vicert designed an app to integrate and share information with other applications or wearable health devices. Our job was also to document the entire process of app creation and its functionalities to enable the app’s replication in the future.

Case Study, Behavioral Health Data Collection App, Diagram


We designed a data collection software consisting of two mobile apps, one for iOS and the other for Android. The apps used ResearchKit SDK for iOS and ResearchStack SDK for Android. The apps tracked behavioral patterns and were later correlated to productivity in the work environment.

An additional challenge came from the client’s request to make the two apps, which operated on different devices, almost identical. Even though ResearchKit SDK for iOS and ResearchStack SDK for Android offered different user experiences, we managed to make data tracking on each borderline identical.

The main features of our health app included:

  • Displaying questionnaires using the Research frameworks and collecting responses to those questionnaires

  • Collecting data from phone sensors

  • Collecting data from other health wearables

  • Displaying information gathered by the app backend from 3rd party servers (e.g., Fitbit)


Aside from the initial benefits that helped our client reach their goal at the time, our solution for data tracking proved helpful beyond the initial design. We designed it in a manner that would allow scalability and flexibility to ensure long-lasting and continued benefits. What our client got:

  • Instant access and notifications allowed our client quicker reaction times and improved the quality of service.

  • Allowing the study manager to reach out to participants with messages, push notifications, and requests for filling out surveys enhanced the data quality.

  • Due to our improved data collection methods, our client got a highly adaptable app for information collection with endless subsequent applications.


We build digital health solutions.


API Integration


Patient Intake and Patient Scheduling Software